Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Preparing our Baby for Mission

The mission team in our church has set a schedule for a trip to China in 2 weeks. Our pastor keep encouraging us, the church members to join for a mission trip that will bring us into a deeper and greater experience with God. My husband and I decided to join although it cost money. As for us the cost doesn't really matter as long as we invest our money and time for the Lord. We believe that every son and daughter of God is called to be a missionary. It is our ardent desire and passion to take part in saving lives for Christ.

God has his own appointed time for us to work for Him. My pregnancy hinders us to go for a trip but we know for sure that there are upcoming trips and our only hope is to prepare our baby for mission field or His ministry just as Hannah did to Samuel. Night and day we prayed with bended knees that our baby will have also the passion for winning souls to Christ.

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